When: July & August 2024

Where: Seattle -> Dublin

Overall Experience: Underwhelmed

Often times these recaps begin and end in the sky but our experience on this trip must begin when we checked in our bag.

Understand SeaTac was going through a much-needed facelift, especially in the check in section of the airport so you can imagine the circus as we tried getting to our bag drop. When we solved the maze and found Iceland Air’s miniature check-in counter, they presented the challenge that every passenger loves to play: does your carry on fit in this metal box? It was at this moment I realized exactly what we had booked.

Now look, I understand they have a business to run and I imagine there is some sort of research that tells the suits at the top that a significant amount of people squeeze on bags that are immensely larger than regularly allowed. Forcing everyone to slide their bags into this tiny bin allows them to catch the tricksters and make a few extra bucks.

But I hate it.

Anyways on the plane we go.

And it appeared our adventure was looking up as we ended up securing a row to ourselves. 8 hours - 3 seats - 2 people - NOT BAD!

Then reality set in.

2 hours in and I was swallowing nails.

As I tapped my fingers against the armrest, my eyes followed the slow, meandering path of the beverage cart that the flight attendants finally brought out, its rattling wheels echoing through the narrow aisle, teasing my growing impatience.

Three rows away and Chantel delivers the devastating news - the pop (she said soda) costs money!

I had been swallowing dry-air for what felt like an eternity - my last ounce of hope keeping me from collapsing into the walkway, a can of Coke, now slipping from my grasp.

As the Flight Attendant halted the cart beside us, I managed to make out the words “is the water free?”

And I kid you not these were her words - “Of course the water is free. It’s Icelandic water.”


It was not a safe bet the water was gonna be free.

Maybe I’ve become a cheap bastard, but I was not about to pay for a drink, so, yeah, I took the water.

Now the passengers…

Truly not sure of the unwritten rules when it comes to overnight flights but I was always under the assumption that the blinds get closed. I do know some airlines will make an announcement asking passengers to please keep the shades down during the duration of the flight. Then sporadically people will raise them for a short period of time to remind themselves there’s a big, wide world outside of this tiny tin can and then proceed to close the shade again.

I’m a big window guy.

Love just staring out the window.

But my issue here was, it was an overnight flight that was roughly 8 hours. We flew in the summer and far enough north where the sun never set!

Reminder, it cost like $3 for a can of Coke, they were not handing out eye masks on this flight.

There were more than enough passengers flying with us that felt the need to keep the shades up, you would have thought we were flying directly through the sun.

And had the sun not been enough of a battle to sleep through, the guy directly behind us who left his headphones at home and had to argue with his wife overtop of his show certainly made sure we would not get any shuteye.

Overall I can say I did not particularly enjoy my experience on Iceland Air. But hey, it got me to Dublin and back home. And I think it was affordable if I recall correctly so I guess you get what you pay for!

My expectations for any international flight 4+ hours are as followed!

  1. All basic drinks are included

  2. Beer & Wine are included

  3. Minimum 1 meal service

  4. Minimum 1 free checked bag

  5. Maybe a friendly reminder to shut the blinds